Where have I BEEEEEN?! Well… if you must know. Vacation. The past 2.5 weeks, I’ve been all over the place doing mostly non-work related things… which has been a wonderful break for me (but painful at the same time.) It’s difficult pulling myself away from something I love doing… but it must be done every once in a while. So after a week in Texas (kind of doing work), and a week at a beach house in Oceanside (not doing any work), and a few days up at Forest Home (kind of doing work)… I’m back in the office, hyped and pumped to get some major work done. But before I bury my self back into album designing, I wanted to share some of what I DID do the past few weeks…. I read. Now, I’m not gonna lie… I haven’t read all of them yet. BUT they’re all in my queue to read before the end of August… so I’m still cracking away. Aaaaand If I could recommend one book for you to read this summer… it would be Ignore Everybody and 39 Other Keys to Creativity, by Hugh MacLeod…. it was definitely a book to get the creative juices flowing again! 🙂 Happy Thursday…