When I first spoke with Jenn, it was through email. She said that she was friends with
Christina Kohlenberg and was really interested in talking more about getting engagement pictures. I met with her and her fiance Bill at my office (
Coffee Bean... for those of you who are just now tuning in…) in San Clemente…. and we talked for, what seemed like, hours. We talked about Bill’s company and Jenn’s new nursing job, we talked about what they like to do in their free time, about their adorable new puppy “Roxy”, about life and where it’s taken them, about the proposal in San Francisco, and about their love.
Ever since Jenn went up to Bill to invite him to do homework with her and some friends in high school, they’ve been friends… then more than friends…. then long distance friends… then lovers. Their journey has taken them many different places, through many high and low points, through the aches and pains of changing into their own personas, but their paths have finally come together for good.
They’re excited about embarking on this new leg of their journey as future husband and wife, and I thoroughly enjoyed spending time doing some of the things they love.
We began with a small hike through the Caramel Mountain area in San Diego and enjoyed the evening breeze as it cooled the hot September ground.

I loved this area because it had lots of trees with character and age…. This is definitely one of my favorite shots from the evening…

Although Bill has lived in California for a while, his roots still run deep and his heart is that of a midwestern MAN’S MAN. He hikes, he bikes, he shoots… and he loves…. His blood even runs the colors of Navy and Orange. (Chicago Bears colors… holla!)

Bill and Jenn weren’t the only ones enjoying the outdoors during our shoot… their new puppy Roxy REALLY enjoyed the hike. And, like most good looking puppies, Roxy stole the show. She shot just one sweet puppy glance and seduced mountain bikers, hikers, Christopher, and …. me. She was just so sweet!

What a good looking pair!

From there, we headed down to La Jolla to get a little beach time in before the sun went down… and holy guacamole…. was there a sunset! The light was DEEE-licious and we soaked up every bit of it as we could! Here’s just a few of my absolute favorites from the beach…

This picture, I think, encapsulates Bill and Jenn. They’re comfortably in love with each other. I love how they don’t feel rushed to love, and how they’ve spent time building their friendship into each other through laughter, and just doing life together. She can rest knowing her best friend will be by her side for the rest of her life… and he can rest knowing the most beautiful woman alive has chosen him. I’m all smiles thinking of where they’ll be 10 years down the road…

As the sun set a beautiful orange-y pink against the purple clouds dispersed over the vastness of the San Diego shoreline, we all got a chance to pause and take a deep breath…. God is faithful. He’s faithful in the small things and faithful, even still, in the big things. He promised to pursue our hearts and to be with us always. I feel like a broken record, but sunsets and sunrises “get me.” There’s just something so unfathomable and awesome about something so beautifully colored. I guess, in a far fetched sort of way, that 15 minute span of time when brilliant unfathomable color fills the skies…it is a reminder that He Is Here and He is still “I Am”. So we can sit on the edge of the seemingly endless ocean, and breathe deep in the stillness and promise of his GOODNESS….
Bill and Jenn I am so excited that you’ve made the choice to spend your lives together as husband and wife and I’m SOOOO excited to celebrate with you and your families next May! Hurrah!