Today, I’m missing Herrnhut…. my home away from home. I’m missing the endless green fields, the tall skinny trees, the red roofs, and the stillness of the small town. This last trip to Germany, I had the chance to take Christopher to this place that’s so near and dear to my heart. We got to walk from the castle to town through the silent forest, listening to nothing but the wind rustling the leaves high in the tree tops. We got to explore through this quiet town, grab some Turkish Doener to snack on, and we got to enjoy the lack of impending to-do lists. The quiet that surrounded this place inspired quiet hearts and quiet minds, and as we walked in silence, we felt His peace.
Where, in your life, do you find your home away from home? Today, I pray you find peace and quiet away from the craziness… even, if only for a moment.