Ahh the perfect cup of coffee first thing in the morning. The sound of beans being measured and the water heating to a boil, the smell of the coffee’s first bloom, and the steam rising as the cup is being poured. Heaven. On. Earth. It’s the perfect start to my day.
When I’m traveling, it’s hard to replicate this ritualistic peace and soulful grounding. While I can visit amazing coffee roasters in some bigger cities, I don’t always have the luxury of time and transportation to get myself there first thing in the morning, and goodness gracious the hotel coffee makers are just sad remnants of a less delicious era. So whenever I travel, whether it’s to a friend’s house, out of state, or internationally, I bring my travel coffee kit. The kit is made up of the staples… My dual voltage Bonavita Travel Water Kettle (not pictured below), a Kalita Wave Dripper
and Filters
, my Porlex Travel Coffee Grinder
, and a bag of whole beans from a rotating list of favorite roasters (Machhörndl beans were used for these photos). Occasionally, I’ll substitute in my favorite Bodum Traveling French Press Mug
instead of the dripper.
I like to think everyone is just as nerdy as me. I like to think that everyone gets joy out of finding a wonderful tasting coffee bean, learning about the region it was grown in, what flavor notes to taste for, and finding the perfect brewing method to bring out those flavors. Each cup is an experience as well as it is a carefully measured science and I love it!
Ya’ll can think I’m crazy, but Lord knows when we’re traveling together and there’s no good coffee, you’ll be thankful I’m such a nerd.
Thanks to my talented friend Gabriella for working with me on these photos!